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Friday, March 16, 2012

Adapt for Influence


Welcome to this week's Life Warm-Up™ -
Building Your Influencer Inc. Company
Life Warm-Up™ 
Howdy All!

Remember the theme for this year is, “Living a Life of Influence!”

Adapt for Influence
One goal when it comes to influence is to understand ourselves first, then others.
  • What is my basic pace that I like to move at throughout the day? (Outgoing or Reserved)
  • What is my basic priority as I make decisions? (Task and Results or People and Relationships)
  • How fast or slow would I like to move forward while doing a task? (Let's do it NOW! or Slow down and take a step back, It's time to make a plan.)
  • Do I want to hear the details or do I just want to get the bullet points and make a decision and then move on to the next task? (Thank you for fully explaining that, I have one more question. or Just get to the point!)
  • Do I like to talk more than listen, or would I prefer to listen more than talk? (If you don't want my opinion then don't ask for it. Reply: I didn't. Well you looked like you did. or It's better to remain silent and think about what you are going to say, so you say it just right and your meaning is clear.)
Once we truly understand ourselves we can adapt and adjust our needs or tendencies in the moment to work, live and be more effective with others.
Influence is about seeing ourselves for who we really are (understanding ourselves) and then, one step-at-a-time, adapting (our behavior) to meet the needs of others.
Each of the four types of personalities has a style of behavior that is comfortable to them, but these various styles may make others uncomfortable.

  • Influencing the Dominant Personality – “D”

  • Influencing the Influence Personality – “I”

  • Influencing the Steadiness Personality – “S”

  • Influencing the Compliance Personality – “C”

  • If your tendency is to handle tasks or problems quickly and decisively *(D) then you may come across as…
    • Uncaring to the *(I) personality. (That wasn't very friendly.)
    • Forceful or unemotional to the *(S) personality. (Why are yelling?)
    • Reckless to the *(C) personality. (You should really slow down and think about what you are saying.)
    • Right on to the (D) personality. (Now you are talking, let's do it!)
    You can see that we connect with others only when we learn how to take our eyes off our own needs and preferences long enough to see their point of view – and make them feel they are important and that their point of view is understood.
    It helps to remember when interacting with others “different” is not always “wrong” – it could be just different. (The "D" style prefers to move forward and make things happen,  however you could easily misinterpret their tendency and feel overwhelmed or even irritated if you don't understand their point of view.)
    As we adjust to others more accurately and consistently, our ability to influence others as we communicate with them will noticeably improve.
    • *The (D) stands for the Dominant Personality
    • *The (I) stands for the Influencing Personality
    • *The (S) stands for the Steady or Supportive Personality
    • *The (C) stands for the Compliant or Cautious Personality.
    Visit the previous weeks Life Warm-Ups™ to find out more about how to influence or understand each personality type.  Or you can purchase Pete’s book Influencer Incorporated for a full description of each of the four perspectives.

    Have a great week,

    Pete Hinojosa

    Thank you for reading this week's Life Warm-Up™!
    A.G. "Pete" Hinojosa
    Founder and President
    Omega Quest®

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