Welcome to Life Warm Up's and Pete Hinojosa's Blog!

You can reach Pete at pete@questld.com

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Welcome to this week's Life Warm-Up™ -
Building Your Influencer Inc. Company
Life Warm-Up™ 

Howdy All!

Remember the theme for this year is, “Living a Life of Influence!”

Personality Influence
I like the idea that I heard this week from a woman who was dating a man. She said, “I love being with you because I always feel better about myself when I am around you.”
That is what influence is all about – where the person you are interacting with likes themselves more around you, not less.
They feel loved, understood and accepted just because they are with you!

So here are some Influencer Insights for you:
1.      When people feel understood, accepted and safe and can be themselves, they always produce better results.
2.      It’s difficult to truly motivate another person without understanding their needs.  As you interact with another person according to their personality style and pattern they will naturally feel more comfortable and understood when they are with you.
3.      It’s not the other person’s responsibility to learn your personality or mine; it’s our responsibility to learn and adapt to theirs. As mature adults, we need to accept our obligation to adjust to others. As we do this more accurately and consistently, our ability to communicate with others will improve noticeably. Not to mention our influence in that person’s life.
4.      You can willingly adjust your personality to match the environments and relationships that you are in with other people.
Application Keys to Influence:
  • Know your own personality.
    • What is my pace? (fast, slow)
    • What is my priority? (task, people)
  • Decide the pace that is needed.
    • If you are faster paced and are working with someone that is slower paced then modify your pace to meet their needs.
    • If you are slower paced and are working with someone that is faster paced then modify your pace to meet their needs.
  • Decide the priority that is needed.
    • If you are task oriented and are working with someone that is people oriented then modify your priority to meet their needs.
    • If you are people oriented and are working with someone that is task oriented then modify your priority to meet their needs
  • Yes, I understand that it seems as though you are about to do all the work of adapting and changing your style; however, since the only person we can change is ourselves we have to start somewhere.
  • So, to really influence another, tune in your personality style to the other person’s needs.

Have a great week,

Pete Hinojosa

Thank you for reading this week's Life Warm-Up!
A.G. "Pete" Hinojosa
Founder and President
Omega Quest
281.360.0861 office

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