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You can reach Pete at pete@questld.com

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Priority & Influence

Welcome to this week's Life Warm-Up™ -
Building Your Influencer Inc. Company

Howdy All! There is a special Example. at the end of this Life Warm Up!

Priority & Influence
People's Styles can be measured in two ways: Pace and Priority.
Last week we looked at pace, this week we will look at the dynamics of priority.
  • Priority – The direction in which one likes to move toward.
  • People tend to be either task-oriented or people-oriented.
  • Task-oriented people are more drawn to projects, achievements and results.
    • If we compare Priority to a steering wheel, they steer toward accomplishing goals and getting things done.
    • If we look for their “true north,” we’ll find their compass points to getting the job done and away from people.
    • Using their time with specific outcomes in mind, they tend to be:
      • Achievement-oriented
      • Results-driven
      • Purposeful
      • Focused
  • People-oriented folks seem more interested in relationships and interacting with others.
    • They naturally steer toward spending time with others and being involved in their lives.
    • They like social interaction and tend to use their time to connect with people.
    • Their “true north” points them to people, and they may find more fulfillment in relationships than achievements.
    • They tend to be:
      • Relational
      • Warm
      • Adaptable
      • Friendly

Really think about how you like to move throughout your day.  Also reflect on how you like to make decisions and get a job done.  Have you noticed that some of your biggest conflicts arise simply from a difference in priority?  It’s worth thinking about it!

As an example- Task-oriented people like to get results and get very frustrated with people-oriented people that they believe are wasting their time.  On the other hand people-oriented people see the task-oriented person as too serious about getting results and wish they would just lighten up and relax.
§  Task-oriented- Come on let’s get this thing done.
§  People-oriented – You are taking all of the fun out of this.
§  Task-oriented- There is nothing fun about ordering food.
§  People-oriented- What do you mean there is so much to choose from and it all looks so good.
§  Task-oriented- Just decide. The waiter is coming.
§  People-oriented – Oh good, maybe he could recommend something tasty.
§  Task-oriented- You are killing me.
§  People-oriented- No, I am saving your life, from having a heart-attack.
§  And they just keep on going and going…

P.S. - Some of you right now are reading this and thinking - Isn't it possible to be a little bit of both.  The answer again is absolutely!  You are a unique blend of both pace and priority. 

Have a great week,

Pete Hinojosa

Thank you for reading this Life Warm-Up!
A.G. "Pete" Hinojosa
Founder and President
Omega Quest
281.360.0861 office

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